Total time running 30hrs, 52 minutes (averages out to a 7:25 or so pace). Some faster runs of 8-10 miles were done right around 7 minute miles, 'recovery' runs were done just under 8 down to 7:30, depending on how I felt that day. The increased mileage along with weight reduction really helped the pace. However instead of feeling drained/tired the fine folks at QT2 had me losing weight AND feeling great and energized for every workout thanks to their custom diet plan.
Now I get to enjoy the taper time, make sure I stick to my diet and two weeks from now I will put all the work to the test at Disney. Until then I feel like superman having ran so much and feeling so great. Josh agrees with me that Daddy rocks!

Awww. What a great picture!
We're starting QT2 in a few weeks. I'm hoping for results like yours!
Good work on the mileage, buddy.
Are you finding goodfooting to run on out there?
I have to slog through soft-packed snow and it is very difficult to go any distance.
It may be six weeks before I can find solid ground to run on.
Thanks and good luck with QT2. It is definitely worth it.
A lot of treadmill miles have been put in! A couple of runs in some deep snow but the footing is so bad I worry about falling/slipping. Hope the bike parts are working well!
This is madness
I am having so much fun running I may just leave my bike home and run all week in Spain!
Good job KK, you're gonna rock Disney, enjoy the taper.
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